Monday, August 5, 2013

Soft G Spellings -dge & -ge /j/


Due to the limited number of words for these phonetic spellings, only a limited lesson plan is presented here. 

Explicit Phonics Lesson


When g is followed by e, i, or y it uses its soft sound /j/ as in gem

The –dge spelling is used in a word or syllable when it is following a short vowel as in the word bridge. The d and the e are silent. The –dge spelling represents the sound /j/.

The –ge spelling is used in a word or syllable when a vce (vowel, consonant, silent e) pattern creates a long vowel sound because of the silent e on the end. The –ge spelling also represents the /j/ sound in words such as cage .

Read the following words one at a time to the students. Have them give a thumbs up when they hear /j/ or thumbs down when they do not hear /j/.

fudge      page      green     hedge    great      goat       giant

bridge     gate       age       ridge     wedge     ghost      edge


edge         ledge                 pledge
judge        fudge                nodge
lodge        dodge               bridge

1. a promise                                                pledge
2. hotel in the woods                                  lodge
3. a way to cross a river                             bridge
4. gentle push                                             nudge
5. get out of the way                                  dodge
6. antonym for center                                 edge
7. a person who should be wise and honest  judge
8. similar to a shelf                                     ledge

Encoding: After pronouncing the sound, tell the students which spelling to write for the first 3.
j   /j/    _ge /j/   _dge /j/       g /g/ 
edge                 ledge                hedge
judge                fudge                lodge
bridge               smudge
The judge set the fudge on the plate.

Word Chain
dodge                       fridge                       nudge
lodge                        ridge                         judge
ledge                        bridge                       fudge
edge                         abridge                     Mudge
wedge                                                       smudge
hedge                                                       sludge


wise judge                 over the edge            judge the race
pledge to the flag      felt a nudge              trudge in the mud
over the bridge         hold a grudge            hodgepodge of stuff
on the edge               wedge of apple
play dodge ball          bridge the gap
sleep in the lodge       judge for yourself
jump the hedge         give a pledge
sweet fudge              edge of the desk
trudge up hill             fell off the ledge
eat hot fudge            pledge to help
sat on a ledge            a soft nudge

Soft G Sentences

1.   Please don’t stand near the edge of the bridge.
2. The wise judge won’t hold a grudge against him.
3. We ate hot fudge on our ice cream.
4. I saw the man trudge up the hill and over the bridge.
5.  The horse jumped the hedge and stopped at the edge of the cliff.
6.  Mom will urge Madge to eat the apple wedges.
7.  We took the ball off the ledge to play dodge ball.
8. Tonight I plan to sleep in the lodge near the old bridge.
9.  Each morning we say the pledge to the American flag.
10.      The wedge of lemon fell off the edge of the desk.
11.       There is a smudge of fudge on your shirt.
12.      From the ridge of the hill we could see the lodge.

Because of the limited number of –ge words, only a list of words is presented here.
age        cage       page      rage       sage       stage     wage
huge      refuge

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